
提供: Internet Web School

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Simple Sentences(単文)


e.g :

The Rangers won.
         S             V

このように下線部のタイプを表す書き方(Sは主部、V は述部、O O1 O2 などはそれぞれ目的語、第一目的語、第二目的語)を、 ここでは便宜上次のように表します。そしてそれ以降においてもこの書き方を使います。

The Rangers(S) won(V).
We(S) enjoyed(V) the party(O).
I(S1) and my sister(S2) enjoyed(V) the party(O).
Mr. Chen(S) called(V) the police(O1) and the ambulance(O2).
I(S) will read(V1) a book or watch(V2) TV tonight.*   *動詞は2つ”will read” “watch”ありますが主語は1つなので単文~ 
Carlos(S) speaks(V1) English but doesn't read(V2) it.* *これも動詞が2つ”speaks””does not read”ですが主語は1つなので単文

Compound Sentences(重文)

2つ以上の独立した節が等位接続詞 <and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so> によって対等な関係で結ばれており、 それぞれの節が主部と述部をもつもの。

e.g :

It(S) was(V) too hot, so I(S) opened(V) the window(O).
It(S) is(V) a nice house(O), but it(S) doesn't have(V) a garage(O).
My mother(S) bought(V) some fresh greens, and we(S) made(V) salad.

Complex Sentences(複文)

主語+述語を含む節が2つ以上あり、主節と 従属節が従位接続詞 <that, when, while, as, if, though, till, because, etc…> で結ばれる文。

e.g :

I(S) think(V) that they(S) are(V) quite serious.
While the children(S) were getting dressed(V), their father(S) prepared(V) their breakfast.
We(S) didn't go swimming(V) because the weather(S) was bad(V) and the water(S) was polluted(V). 

Compound-Complex Sentences(重複文)


e.g :

Even though the weather(S) is bad(V), Paul(S) is driving(V) to Orlando and Ann(S) is flying(V) to Miami.



次の文について単文(S)、重文(C)、複文(X)の別を言いなさい. (Decide whether the following sentences are simple(S), compound(C), or complex(X)).

  1. Nothing surprise me any more.(  )
  2. My brother likes soccer and plays for a local team.(  )
  3. My brother likes soccer, and he plays for a local team. (  )
  4. The students were late because there was a traffic accident. (  )
  5. I have two sisters but no brothers. (  )
  6. Joe is married, and he has two children. (  )
  7. I don’t drink or smoke. (  )
  8. I don’t drink, and I don’t smoke. (  )



コンジャンクション(conjunction, and のこと)を使って重文または複文をつくり,その文を書きなさい. (Use a conjunction to form a compound or a complex sentence. Write the sentence.)

  1. Tom works in sales department. Miyuki works in accounting.
  2. The library was closed. I could not borrow reference books for my study.
  3. Turn to the left at that corner. You’ll find the station.
  4. Everybody promised to attend. Nobody showed up at the meeting.



