英作文/センテンス・ライティング (Part 2)

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(ページの作成: 英作文センテンス・ライティング (Part 2) == センテンス・ライティング (Part 2) == …)
92 行: 92 行:
#A car run over my dog.
#A car run over my dog.
#: → My dog (got run over by a car).
#: → My dog (__________).
#I don't like people telling me what to do.
#I don't like people telling me what to do.
#: → I don't like (being told) what to do.
#: → I don't like (_____) what to do.
#Has anybody told you what to do?
#Has anybody told you what to do?
#: → Have (you been told) what to do?
#: → Have (_______) what to do?
#They offered Tim the new position, but he refused it.
#They offered Tim the new position, but he refused it.
#: → Tim (was offered the new position), but he refused it.
#: → Tim (______________), but he refused it.
#We can see the whole city from the top of this skytower.
#We can see the whole city from the top of this sky tower.
#: → The whole city (can be seen) from the top of this skytower.
#: → The whole city (________) from the top of this sky tower.
Q.2: カッコ内の単語を並び替えて、日本語の意味にあう受動態または能動態のセンテンスを作りなさい。動詞は正しいフォームを使ってください。
Q.2: カッコ内の単語を並び替えて、日本語の意味にあう受動態または能動態のセンテンスを作りなさい。動詞は正しいフォームを使ってください。
106 行: 106 行:
#:語群(cancel, flights, of, snow, all, because, heavy, are)
#:語群(cancel, flights, of, snow, all, because, heavy, are)
#: → All flights are canceled because of heavy snow.
#:語群(the shop, in, to, I, return, days, should, this, three, DVD)
#:語群(the shop, in, to, I, return, days, should, this, three, DVD)
#: → I should return this DVD to the shop in three days.
#:語群(make, monday, until, dicision, a, next, not, will, be)
#:語群(make, monday, until, decision, a, next, not, will, be)
#: → A dicision will not be made until next monday.
#:語群(when, 20 years old, in 1776, was, Mozart, this, wrote, he, concerto, piano )
#:語群(when, 20 years old, in 1776, was, Mozart, this, wrote, he, concerto, piano )
#: → Mozart wrote this piano concerto in 1776 when he was 20 years old.
#:語群(Mozart, was, in 1776, piano, by, concerto, this, written)
#:語群(Mozart, was, in 1776, piano, by, concerto, this, written)
#: → This piano concerto was written by Mozart in 1776.
→ [[英作文/センテンス・ライティング_(Part_2)/練習問題1【解答】|解答はこちら]]
→ [[英作文/センテンス・ライティング_(Part_2)/練習問題1【解答】|解答はこちら]]
=== 冠詞の使い方  Articles ===
=== 助動詞の使い方 Modals ===
冠詞は決定詞/限定詞 (Determiners) と呼ばれるもののひとつです。
冠詞には、'''a/an, the, '''そして何もつかない'''ゼロ冠詞'''の3種類があると考えてください。
==== a/an ====
==== can, could, (be) able to ====
**□ I bought '''a''' nice birthday present for my girlfriend.
**□ There's '''an''' accident .  I saw '''a''' car drive down the street over the speed limit.
**□ My brother is unemployed. He is looking for '''a''' job.
現在の'''能力'''を表現するcan, 過去の能力を表現するcould
*I need to find '''a''' job. ⇔ I need to find work.
□  Mary '''can''' sing, but she '''can't '''play any musical instruments.
□ I '''couldn't '''finish my homework lastnight, because I fell asleep.
*□ I eat '''a banana''' every morning.(可算)
*□ I like '''bananas'''.(不可算).
*□ We had some interesting '''experiences''' while we were on vacation.(可算)
*□ They offered me the position because I had a lot of '''experience'''.(不可算)
現在や未来の'''可能性'''を表現するcan, could
*□ I'd like to send '''some flowers''' to my mother on her birthday.
*□ '''Some students''' of this class applied for the test.
*□ We are looking for '''some volunteers''' who can stay in the area for three weeks.
□ I '''can''' come and help you this weekend if you want to.
We '''could''' take a trip if we had enough time and money. 
*Cat is '''an animal'''.
*□ Nicole is '''a really nice person''' .
*□ Brazil is '''a country''' in South America.
現在や未来の'''依頼'''を表現する'''can, could'''  
*□ Jeorge's father is '''a doctor'''.
*□ Would you like to be '''an English teacher'''?
'''Can''' you speak a little slower? I can't keep up with you.
(もう少しゆっくり話してくれる? 解からないんだ。)
□ '''Could''' I have another cup of coffee?
* Potatoes are on sale only for 2 dollars '''a pound'''.
*□ Jennifer works nine hours '''a day''', five days '''a week'''.
:(Jennifer は1日9時間、週5日働きます。)
□ You '''can't''' use my bicycle to go to school tomorrow. I need it.
*サイレント(無発音の)hで始まる単語(hour, honor, honest, herb, etc.,)の前にはanが入ります。
□ '''Can '''I turn off  the TV?  I want to concentrate on my homework.
*□ I've been waiting for her for an  hour. 
(テレビを消してもいい? 宿題に集中したいんだ。)
*It's an honor to meet you.
'''可能性、能力'''を表現するときの '''(be) able to'''
'''Can, could'''のかわりに'''(be) able to'''を使うことがあります。Canのほうがより一般的ですが、canは現在と過去しかありませんので時制によっては'''(be) able to''' を使う必要があります。
*□ Sue graduated from a university in Texas.  
*□ I suppose they are from a European country.
==== the ====
□ Mr.Zulch, a German research doctor, '''can '''speak four languages.
特定のひと、もの、場所を表す '''the'''
= Mr.Zulch, a German research doctor, '''is able to''' speak four languages. 
You won't(will not) '''be able to''' make the connecting flight to Tokyo.
*Ken sat down on '''a''' park bench.
I haven't('''have''' not) '''been able to''' sleep well in these days.
*Ken sat down on '''the''' bench next to the oak tree.
また、特別な状況の下で起こったことを表現するときには、'''could'''ではなく'''was/were able to'''を使います。
*□ My brother is looking for '''a''' job.
The earthquake occurred just after midnight local time, but everybody '''was able to''' escape. (現地時間の真夜中ちょっと過ぎに地震が起きたが、全員避難することが出来た。)*特別な状況 注:否定形のcould not/couldn'tはこの場合も使えます。
*My brother got '''the''' job he applied for.
>> '''could have (done)'''
*□ I need to go to '''the''' bank and then  going to '''the''' post office.
*□ Is there '''a''' bank or '''a''' post office near here?
I '''could have gotten '''better grade if I made more effort.  
*Marc is not feeling well. He went to '''the''' doctor.
It '''could have been''' even worse.
*I saw '''a''' man and '''a''' woman walking side by side down the street. '''The''' man was using a stick, and '''the''' woman was helping him.
==== must, have to ====
*□ '''The''' hotel we stayed at was '''a''' very nice hotel.
ただ1つを意味する '''the'''
*□ I'm moving out at '''the''' end of this month.
*□ You are '''the''' only one I can trust.
□ The weather was very nice during their vacation, so they '''must''' have had a good time.
'''the''' + 可算名詞の単数形(動物、乗り物、楽器の種類など)
Nobody answer the phone. They '''must not''' be home.
*□ '''The''' giraffe is the tallest of all animals.
*□ '''The''' bicycle is '''a '''useful means of transportation.
* giraffes, bicyclesにはなりません。
最上級の '''the'''
You '''must '''wear a seat belt when you are in a car.
*China is '''the''' most populous country in the world.
This application form '''must''' be mailed by today.
*Bikal is '''the''' oldest and '''the''' deepest lake in the world.
>> '''have to''' と'''must'''
'''the''' + エンタテイメント
Have toは助動詞ではありませんがmustと同じように義務や必要を表現します。疑問文や否定文ではdo(not)/does(not)/did(not)を使います。
*□ Keiko used to go to '''the''' opera theater when she was living in Italy.
また、Mustは現在と未来でしか使えませんので過去形のときはhad toを使います。
*□ I heard the news on '''the''' radio.
□ Julie '''has to''' take her mother to the hospital this morning.
テレビにはtheがつきません→We wached the news on TV.
機器としてのTVを意味するときにはつけます→Turn on the TV, please.
□ You don't '''have to''' use public transportation to work. You can walk.
'''the''' +  組織
This application form '''had to''' be mailed by yesterday.
*Natalie joined '''the''' army when she graduated from high school.
What do I '''have to''' do to get a letter of recommendation? 
*□ I'd like to work for '''the''' World Health Organization in the future.
→ I'd like to work for WHO in the future.
注:'''must not''' (mustn't) と'''don't/doesn't have to'''では意味が異なります。
'''the''' +  自然(海、川、山脈など)
You '''must not''' go out now.
*□ '''The''' Chang Jiang is the longest river in China.
→ The best thing I remember last summer was camping at Lake Erie.
→ I'm  going to move near the lake next summer.
You '''don't have to''' go out now.
*The project must be in harmony with '''the''' environment.
==== may, might ====
*□ There's a village below '''the''' Himalayas.
→ Mr. Miura, a Japanese adventurer, climbed Mt.Everest when he was 80 years old.
許可の'''may, might'''
*□ There's no single cloud in '''the''' sky.
'''the''' + 太陽系
You '''may''' not go out alone after 10 o'clock at night.
*□ '''The''' sun is a star.
□ '''Might''' I ask you some questions?
*□ '''The''' earth goes around '''the''' sun. and '''the''' moon goes around '''the''' earth.
→ Jupiter is the fifth planet of the solar system.
可能性や推量の'''may, might'''
'''the''' + 国、民族など
be going toや willよりも不確定要素を含みます。
*□ Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki live in England.
Alex '''may be / might be''' able to give you a chance to get some part-time job.  
*New York is one of the most densely populated city in the world.
It '''may not / might not''' be true.
Republic, Kingdom, Statesなどを含む国名、または複数形の国名にはtheがつきます。
*We visited Canada, '''the''' United States and '''the''' Bahamas.
>> 過去形にするときには'''may /might + have done'''のかたち
*□ '''The''' Dominican Republic became independent from '''the''' United Kingdom in 1978.
I can't find my umbrella anywhere. I '''might / may  have left''' it somewhere last night,
*□ '''The” Japanese are famous for their excellent public manners.
>> '''could''' も類似の意味を持ちます。
*□ Spanish is not very difficult language to learn.
□ It '''could''' be true. (それは真実だろう。)
sameの前の '''the” (the same)
I can't find my umbrella anywhere. I '''could  have left '''it somewhere last night,
*His jacket is '''the '''same style as mine.
注:'''may be'''と'''maybe'''
*□ '''The''' same thing could happen to anyone.
==== ゼロ冠詞 ====
→ My father '''may be''' outside. (OK)
a もthe もつかないことをゼロ冠詞といいます。不可算名詞または可算名詞の複数で一般名詞を表すときには冠詞をつけません。
My father '''maybe''' outside. (NG)
*□ My mother plant ’’flowers’’ every early spring.
==== should, ought to, had better ====
*□ I cooked  ’’ham’’ and '''eggs''' this morning.
'''should'''はしばしばとthink(I think, I don't think, Do you think...)と共に使われます。
*□ We had '''lunch''' at a very nice seafood restaurant.
□ I think you '''should''' visit your parents more often.
ただし、breakfast, lunchなどの前に形容詞を付けた場合は'''a'''がはいります。
→ We had '''a nice lunch''' at a seafood restaurant.
□ I think you '''should '''apply for this job.
I think you '''should have '''applied for this job.
*Please look at the top of ’’page 19’’, ’’Section A’’.
(君がこの仕事に応募すれば良かった のにと思う。)
~するべき、~であるべきを表現する'''should '''
*□ Delta '''flight 178''' leaves from ’’Gate 23’’.
□ I don't think the price on this tag is right. It '''should''' be $19.50, not $29.50.
The government '''should not''' raise taxes at this time of  the year.
*I like to watch '''soccor''' game on TV.
動詞的な意味を含む(眠ったり学んだり祈ったり・・)場所を表す一般名詞(bed, school, church, home, etc.,)にも冠詞がつきません。
You '''should''' apologize.(謝ったほうがいい。)
*When I  finish '''high school''', I want to go to '''university'''.
You '''must''' apologize,(誤らなければならない。)
*Kay stayed in '''bed''' until late this morning.
'''ought to'''
*□ Her  parents go to '''church''' evry Sunday.
また否定形では使われません。(should notを用います)
Allen has been studying hard for the exam, so he '''ought to / should '''pass.
*I have an appointment with the dentist on '''Tuesday'''.
(Allen は一生懸命試験勉強をしてきたのできっとパスするはずだ。)
You '''ought to / should''' wash your car before dark.
*Paul will be turning 20 years old '''next week'''.
'''had better (I'd better, you'd better...)'''
diabetes(糖尿病)、high blood pressure(高血圧)、hepatitis(肝炎)、cancer(がん)など、病気にはカタチがありませんので基本的には冠詞がつきません。
shouldや ought to と意味が似ていますが、必ずしも同じではありません。shouldはあらゆるケースに使用可能ですが、'''had better''' は特定的な状態で使われ、忠告に従わないと問題が起こるような場合で用いられます。
*□ Patient education about diabetes is very important.
否定形は'''had better not ('d better not)'''。
□ I have to meet Yuki at 5 o'clock. '''I'd better''' go now or I'll be late.
(5時に Yukiに会わなければならない。もう行かないと遅れてしまう。)
□ '''We'd better''' take an umbrella. It might rain later.
□ '''You'd better not '''be late.(or they will be angry).
a cold(かぜ), a fever(熱), a headach(頭痛のように~achがつくもの), a cough(咳のようなひとつの症状)
*I have '''a''' fever.
==== would ====
the flue(インフルエンザ), the measles(はしか)などの現在流行っている病気
*□ She has  been sick in bed for three days with '''the''' flue.
□ Emy said she '''would''' go there alone.
(Emy は一人でそこへ行くつもりだと言った。)
□ It '''would''' be nice to buy a new smartphone, but I can't afford it.
国名、市区町村名にも冠詞がつきませんが、前項4-2. '''the'''で述べていますので参照してください。
□ We didn't invite them to the party. They '''wouldn't''' have come anyway.
提案や希望を丁寧に表現するときの'''would '''
□ I '''would''' like to get some information about hotels in Tokyo, please.
==== 練習問題2(冠詞)====
□ “'''Would '''you like to have lunch with us on Sunday?” “Yes, I'd love to.”
□ '''Would''' it be possible for you to see me on Monday morning at 10 o'clock ?
# Many people are out of (__) work because of (__) recession..
# You will find (__) information you need at (__) top of (__) page 11.
# Do you know (__) high blood pressure can be (__) life threatening condition?
# (__) ancient Greeks invented for the foundation for democratic government.
# Akiko is (__) student at (__) Tokyo University.
□ When we were small, we '''would''' go sledding and skating every winter.
# Bob is (__) IT engineer. He used to work in (__) department of (__) Parker Trading Co.,Ltd. Now he works for (__) American company in (__) United States.
# ”How often do you go to (__) movies?” “Two or three times (__) year.”
# ”We'd like to go out for (__) dinner tonight. Can you recommend (__) good restaurant?”
□ My father '''would '''often comes back home very late at night.
# Tracy has (__) part -time job at (__) MacDonald's. She works four hours (__) day, three days(__) week.
# My grand parents live in (__) old house in (__) small village. There is (__) big cherry tree in front of (__) house. I used to climb (__) tree when I was (__) child.
期待(~だといいのに)を表現する'''I wish... would /wouldn't'''
□ I wish Emy '''would''' come.
□ I wish he '''wouldn't '''always leave the door open. It bothers me.
will, won't の過去形で使う'''would, wouldn't '''
□ I promise I '''won't '''be late. →I promis'''ed''' that I '''wouldn't''' be late.
□ Ann:” I '''will''' call her and tell her the truth.” →Ann '''said''' she '''would''' call her and tell her the truth.
(Ann:”彼女に電話して本当のことを話すわ。” / Annは彼女に電話して本当のことを話すと言った。)
==== 練習問題2(助動詞の使い方)====
日本語の意味になるようにカッコ( )を埋めなさい。
#: → What are you doing here?  You (________)in school right now, (_____) you?  
#: →  If you (____)find her in the office, she (____)attending the conference.  
#: → I (____)rather go to Europe than U.S. for summer vacation.
#: →  Peter will not (_______)attend the meeting on Wednesday since he is out on a business trip this week.
#: → You (____)have gotten that shirt at the outlet for lower price!
#: → It (_____)appreciated if you(____)mail me back by Friday.
#: → It's 10:00 already. I(_____)call my mother before she starts worrying too much.
#: → Barbara(______)come to school tomorrow.
#: → (_____)you help me move next weekend?
#: → It looks like rain. You(_____)take an umbrella with you
→ [[英作文/センテンス・ライティング_(Part_2)/練習問題2【解答】|解答はこちら]]
→ [[英作文/センテンス・ライティング_(Part_2)/練習問題2【解答】|解答はこちら]]
433 行: 444 行:

2019年11月14日 (木) 10:08 時点における最新版

英作文センテンス・ライティング (Part 2)


センテンス・ライティング (Part 2)

受動態と能動態の表現 Passive and Active Voice

センテンスの主語そのものに重点を置く能動態に対して、受動態のセンテンス(be+過去分詞)では動作や状態に視点が置かれ目的語を伴う他動詞のみが使われます。 受動態の多用は文章を平坦で分かりずらくする傾向があります。 チャットや普段の会話などは問題ありませんが、ビジネスレターや論文などの公な文章はなるべく能動態を使うように心がけましょう。


is, was, have,been,etc.

  • 例文
  • □ Somebody cleans the room every day.=能動態
  • □ The room is cleaned every day by somebody.=受動態

受動態では、誰がまたは何がその動作や状態の原因となっているか不明であったり重要ではないことが多いが、はっきりさせたいときにはbyを使う。 ただし、主語が道具を用いてその動作を行うときにはwithを使う。

→ The spring lock was broken with a wrench. (そのバネ錠はスパナで壊された。)

  • □ Somebody will clean the room later.=能動態
  • □ The room will be cleaned later.=受動態
  • □ Somebody should have cleaned the room.=能動態
  • □ The room should have been cleaned.=受動態
  • □ Somebody has cleaned the room.=能動態
  • □ The room has been cleaned.=受動態
  • □ Somebody had cleaned the room.=能動態
  • □ The room had been cleaned.=受動態
  • □ Somebody is cleaning the room right now.=能動態
  • □ The room is being cleaned now.=受動態
  • □ Somebody was cleaning the room when I came in.=能動態
  • □ The room was cleaned when I came in. =受動態
  • □ My grandfather built this house in 1960.=能動態 
  • □ This house was built in 1960 by my grandfather.=受動態
  • □ The meeting ’’took’’ place the day before yesterday.=能動態
  • □ The meeting ’’was taken’’ place the day before yesterday.=受動態

being, doing, etc.

  • 例文
  • □ My boss doesn't like people keeping him waiting.=能動態
  • □ My boss doesn't like being kept waiting.=受動態
  • □ I remember my mother giving me a handmade doll on my fifth birthday.=能動態
  • □ I remember being given a handmade doll on my fith birthday.=受動態 


  • 例文
  • □ In the south coast area, more than four hundred houses were destroyed by the storm.


  • 例文:
  • □ There was an trafic accident at the corner yesterday, but nobody ’’got hurt’’. 
  • □ How much did you ’’get paid’’ for this job?
  • □ Most of the students in the class are getting confused.


Q.1: 次のセンテンスを受動態に書き換え、カッコ(  )を埋めなさい。

  1. A car run over my dog.
    → My dog (__________).
  2. I don't like people telling me what to do.
    → I don't like (_____) what to do.
  3. Has anybody told you what to do?
    → Have (_______) what to do?
  4. They offered Tim the new position, but he refused it.
    → Tim (______________), but he refused it.
  5. We can see the whole city from the top of this sky tower.
    → The whole city (________) from the top of this sky tower.

Q.2: カッコ内の単語を並び替えて、日本語の意味にあう受動態または能動態のセンテンスを作りなさい。動詞は正しいフォームを使ってください。

  1. 大雪ですべてのフライトがキャンセルされている。
    語群(cancel, flights, of, snow, all, because, heavy, are)
  2. このDVDを3日以内にお店に返さなければいけない。
    語群(the shop, in, to, I, return, days, should, this, three, DVD)
  3. 次の月曜日まで決定は下されないだろう。
    語群(make, monday, until, decision, a, next, not, will, be)
  4. モーツアルトは1776年、彼が20歳のときにこのピアノコンチェルトを作曲した。
    語群(when, 20 years old, in 1776, was, Mozart, this, wrote, he, concerto, piano )
  5. このピアノコンチェルトは、1776年にモーツアルトによって作られました。
    語群(Mozart, was, in 1776, piano, by, concerto, this, written)


冠詞の使い方 Articles

冠詞は決定詞/限定詞 (Determiners) と呼ばれるもののひとつです。 冠詞には、a/an, the, そして何もつかないゼロ冠詞の3種類があると考えてください。 日本語の用法にない冠詞の理解は複雑ですが、ここでは基本的なものを学びます。



    • □ I bought a nice birthday present for my girlfriend.
    • □ There's an accident . I saw a car drive down the street over the speed limit.
    • □ My brother is unemployed. He is looking for a job.


  • I need to find a job. ⇔ I need to find work.


  • □ I eat a banana every morning.(可算)
  • □ I like bananas.(不可算).
  • □ We had some interesting experiences while we were on vacation.(可算)
  • □ They offered me the position because I had a lot of experience.(不可算)


  • □ I'd like to send some flowers to my mother on her birthday.
  • Some students of this class applied for the test.
  • □ We are looking for some volunteers who can stay in the area for three weeks.


  • □ Cat is an animal.
  • □ Nicole is a really nice person .
  • □ Brazil is a country in South America.


  • □ Jeorge's father is a doctor.
  • □ Would you like to be an English teacher?


  • □ Potatoes are on sale only for 2 dollars a pound.
  • □ Jennifer works nine hours a day, five days a week.
(Jennifer は1日9時間、週5日働きます。)



*サイレント(無発音の)hで始まる単語(hour, honor, honest, herb, etc.,)の前にはanが入ります。

  • □ I've been waiting for her for an hour. 
  • □ It's an honor to meet you.


  • □ Sue graduated from a university in Texas.  
  • □ I suppose they are from a European country.


特定のひと、もの、場所を表す theaと比較しながら例文を参照してください。

  • □ Ken sat down on a park bench.
  • □ Ken sat down on the bench next to the oak tree.
  • □ My brother is looking for a job.
  • □ My brother got the job he applied for.
  • □ I need to go to the bank and then going to the post office.
  • □ Is there a bank or a post office near here?
  • □ Marc is not feeling well. He went to the doctor.
  • □ I saw a man and a woman walking side by side down the street. The man was using a stick, and the woman was helping him.
  • The hotel we stayed at was a very nice hotel.

ただ1つを意味する the

  • □ I'm moving out at the end of this month.
  • □ You are the only one I can trust.

the + 可算名詞の単数形(動物、乗り物、楽器の種類など)

  • The giraffe is the tallest of all animals.
  • The bicycle is a useful means of transportation.

* giraffes, bicyclesにはなりません。

最上級の the

  • □ China is the most populous country in the world.
  • □ Bikal is the oldest and the deepest lake in the world.

the + エンタテイメント

  • □ Keiko used to go to the opera theater when she was living in Italy.
  • □ I heard the news on the radio.

テレビにはtheがつきません→We wached the news on TV. 機器としてのTVを意味するときにはつけます→Turn on the TV, please.

the + 組織

  • □ Natalie joined the army when she graduated from high school.
  • □ I'd like to work for the World Health Organization in the future.

*組織名が短縮形のときにはtheを入れません。 → I'd like to work for WHO in the future.

the + 自然(海、川、山脈など)

  • The Chang Jiang is the longest river in China.

*川/河にはtheがつきますが、個別の湖、島にはつきません。 → The best thing I remember last summer was camping at Lake Erie.


→ I'm going to move near the lake next summer.

  • □ The project must be in harmony with the environment.
  • □ There's a village below the Himalayas.

*山脈にはtheがつきますが、個別の山にはつきません。 → Mr. Miura, a Japanese adventurer, climbed Mt.Everest when he was 80 years old.

  • □ There's no single cloud in the sky.

the + 太陽系

  • The sun is a star.
  • The earth goes around the sun. and the moon goes around the earth.

*惑星=planetsにはtheがつきません。(earthには付けてもOK) → Jupiter is the fifth planet of the solar system.


the + 国、民族など


  • □ Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki live in England.
  • □ New York is one of the most densely populated city in the world.

Republic, Kingdom, Statesなどを含む国名、または複数形の国名にはtheがつきます。

  • □ We visited Canada, the United States and the Bahamas.
  • The Dominican Republic became independent from the United Kingdom in 1978.


  • The” Japanese are famous for their excellent public manners.


  • □ Spanish is not very difficult language to learn.

sameの前の the” (the same)

  • □ His jacket is the same style as mine.
  • The same thing could happen to anyone.


a もthe もつかないことをゼロ冠詞といいます。不可算名詞または可算名詞の複数で一般名詞を表すときには冠詞をつけません。

  • □ My mother plant ’’flowers’’ every early spring.
  • □ I cooked ’’ham’’ and eggs this morning.


  • □ We had lunch at a very nice seafood restaurant.

ただし、breakfast, lunchなどの前に形容詞を付けた場合はaがはいります。 → We had a nice lunch at a seafood restaurant.



  • □ Please look at the top of ’’page 19’’, ’’Section A’’.
  • □ Delta flight 178 leaves from ’’Gate 23’’.


  • □ I like to watch soccor game on TV.

動詞的な意味を含む(眠ったり学んだり祈ったり・・)場所を表す一般名詞(bed, school, church, home, etc.,)にも冠詞がつきません。

  • □ When I finish high school, I want to go to university.
  • □ Kay stayed in bed until late this morning.
  • □ Her parents go to church evry Sunday.


  • □ I have an appointment with the dentist on Tuesday.
  • □ Paul will be turning 20 years old next week.


diabetes(糖尿病)、high blood pressure(高血圧)、hepatitis(肝炎)、cancer(がん)など、病気にはカタチがありませんので基本的には冠詞がつきません。

  • □ Patient education about diabetes is very important.



a cold(かぜ), a fever(熱), a headach(頭痛のように~achがつくもの), a cough(咳のようなひとつの症状)

  • □ I have a fever.


the flue(インフルエンザ), the measles(はしか)などの現在流行っている病気

  • □ She has been sick in bed for three days with the flue.

国名、市区町村名にも冠詞がつきませんが、前項4-2. theで述べていますので参照してください。



  1. Many people are out of (__) work because of (__) recession..
  2. You will find (__) information you need at (__) top of (__) page 11.
  3. Do you know (__) high blood pressure can be (__) life threatening condition?
  4. (__) ancient Greeks invented for the foundation for democratic government.
  5. Akiko is (__) student at (__) Tokyo University.
  6. Bob is (__) IT engineer. He used to work in (__) department of (__) Parker Trading Co.,Ltd. Now he works for (__) American company in (__) United States.
  7. ”How often do you go to (__) movies?” “Two or three times (__) year.”
  8. ”We'd like to go out for (__) dinner tonight. Can you recommend (__) good restaurant?”
  9. Tracy has (__) part -time job at (__) MacDonald's. She works four hours (__) day, three days(__) week.
  10. My grand parents live in (__) old house in (__) small village. There is (__) big cherry tree in front of (__) house. I used to climb (__) tree when I was (__) child.



