英作文/センテンス・ライティング (Part 4)

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英作文センテンス・ライティング (Part 4)


センテンス・ライティング (Part 4)

Part 4は、センテンス内での基本的な接続詞の使い方、前置詞の使い方です。

主語と動詞の一致 Subject-Verb Agreement


① 主語が単数のときは動詞のフォームも単数

  • Somebody cleans the room every day.
  • The library is closed on Sundays.

② 主語が複数の時は動詞のフォームも複数

  • My parents live in a small village by the lake.
  • □ Several articles in the journal are very interesting for me.

*pants,trousers,pajamas,shoes socks,scissorsなどは複数です。動詞のフォームも複数形になります。ただし、これらの名詞に”pair of”を付けた時には、”pair”は単数のため動詞も単数形になります。

→ My brother's new pair of sneakers looks great.


③ There is /There areで始めるときには、主語は動詞の後に位置する

  • □ There is a lot of information on the internet about clean energy.
  • □ There are only eight students in my ESL class.

④ -sで終わる単数名詞(news,mathematics,politics,gymnasticsなど)が主語のときの動詞のフォームは単数

  • □ No news is good news. (=Proverb)
  • Politics of healthcare is imperative in our country.

⑤ -sで終わらない複数名詞(police,people,childrenなど)が主語のときの動詞のフォームは複数

  • □ The police are investigating the accident now.
  • Children learn manners and morals from their parents.

⑥ 集合名詞(family,class,team,committee,herd,packなど)は単数として扱う

  • □ I had to stop, because a herd of cattle was crossing the road
  • □ My family gathers at every Christmas.

⑦ 主語が、somebody,anybody,everybody,nobody,someone,anyone,everyone,no one, either,neither,each,each oneは単数扱い。従って動詞のフォームも単数

  • □ ’’Either’’ Kay or Chack ’’is’’ in the backyard.
  • □ ’’Everybody’’’’ is’’ going to be the graduation party tonight.
  • No one tells me anything about it.
  • □ At the beginning of this card game, each player has five cards.

⑧ 複数扱いの不定代名詞(both,few,sevral,many,others)は複数。従って動詞のフォームも複数形

  • □ I have two brothers and a sister. My sister is already working, but ’’both’’ my brothers ’’are’’ still in school.
  • Several compamies were joined on the eco-friendly project.

⑨ 使い方で単数扱いも複数扱いもある不定代名詞(some,all,any,more,most)

  • All the neighbors are invited to the district festival next Sunday.(neighbor=可算名詞)
  • All the furniture in the store is beautiful but expensive.(furniture=不可算名詞)

⑩ 数字について


  • □ Three beer bottles are in the refrigerator.
  • □ 42.195 kirometers is official distance for a full marathon.


  • □ A number of students are absent from school.
  • □ The number of incorrect answers was surprising.

句読法 Punctuation

センテンスやフレーズを読み手に分かりやすくするために用います。主なものに、ピリオド( . )、カンマ( ,)、アポストロフィ(’)、コロン(:)、セミコロン(;)、クェスチョンマーク(?)、エクスクラメーションマーク(!)、クオーテーションマーク( )があります。

① ピリオド( . )


  • □ My maternal grandmother has Altzheimer's disease.


  • □ I have an appointment with Prof. Shimizu this afternoon.
(Prof.= Professor 今日の午後、清水教授と約束している。)
  • □ I would like to visit Washington D.C. next spring.
(D.C.=District of Columbia 来春、ワシントンDCを訪れたい。)
  • □ Mr. Jennings is a famous educational sociologist.
(Mr.=Mister ジェニングス氏は高名な教育社会学者です。)

*Mr./Mrs./Ms.の後にはピリオドを打ちますが、Missの後にだけは使いません。 また、NASA(National Aeronautic and Space Administration)やWHO(World Health Organization)など、頭文字語にはピリオドを打ちません。

② カンマ( ,)


  • □ The colors of our company logo are blue, green, and yellow.
  • □Sue and I looked for the key in the drawer, under the bookshelf, behind the sideboard, but we couldn't find it.
  • □ After Kelly listened to some of their CDs, she decided to go to the concert.


  • □ My mailing address is xxx Glove Ave., Taipei, Taiwan.
(私の郵便の宛先は、台湾、台北市、グローブ街 xxx番地です。)
  • □ On July 4, 1976, American Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


  • □ Everybody knows that he is a famous singer, and his sister is violinist.
  • □ I was working on my report all day today, yet I never finished.
  • □ It was raining very hard, so I held up my umbrella as I rode my bicycle.

*必ずand,but,or/nor,for,yet,so を伴います。例外として、短いセンテンス(例:He walked in and she waked out.)以外には、カンマだけで独立した節と節を結ぶことはありません。


  • □ If the reference book is too expensive, I'm not going to buy it.
  • □ While I was hospitalized, I read a lot of books and magazines.


→ I'm not going to buy the reference book if it is too expensive.

→ I read a lot of books and magazines while I was hospitalized.


→ Jake didn't study hard, so he failed the final.

so thatの前にはカンマが入りません(”so that”には従属節が続きます)。

→ Please be careful so that this product doesn't get into your eyes.

*So thatで始まる節がセンテンス冒頭にくるときにはカンマが入ります。

→ So that it doesn't get into your eyes, please be careful when you use this product.


  • □ My best friend, Steven Ota, is working as a cirtified accountant in the U.K.
  • □Ludwig van Beethoven, who wrote many outstanding music including the Nineth Symphony, was hearing-impaired in his last years.


  • □ At the beginning of the winter season, drivers should change their tires for snow.


  • □ As the proverb goes, ”Reality, however, is not that simple”.

③ アポストロフィ(’)


  • □ My boss never likes anyone else's ideas.
  • □ He was able to come to the doctor's conference in Singapore.


→ They announced that some students' paper were missing.

④ コロン(:)


  • □ She told me to get these ingredients to make pampkin pie: pumpkin, flour, baking powder, butter, sugar, salt, and cinnamon powder.


  • □ Dear Sirs:
  • □ To whom it may concern:(関係各位:)

⑤ セミコロン(;)


  • □ Eric graduated from college this spring; however, he was unable to get any job.

⑥ エクスクラメーションマーク(!)


  • □ Be careful! (注意!)
  • □ I love sweets so much! (私は甘いものが大好き!)

⑦ クオーテーションマーク(“ ”)

タイトルなどの固有名詞をくくる クオーテーションマーク

  • □ “The Ultimate Fighter” is a popular TV show in America.
(“The Ultimate Fighter”はアメリカの人気TV番組です。)


  • □ The most famous phrase of Martin Luther King's speech is , “I have a dream.”
(キング牧師のスピーチで最も有名なフレーズが、“I have a dream.”です。)
  • □ “Hurry up or we'll be late!”, he shouted.




  1. There ( be ) some helpful news for you on the website
  2. When I ( be ) child I used to be very shy
  3. My mother bought all kinds of vegetables potatoes carrots peppers onions and spinach. I said Where are you going to put them
  4. The police (doesn't) usually wear a bulletproof helmet
  5. Ann a nice young lady ( be ) an international student at Tokyo University
  6. The scissors ( be ) in the drawer and the sunglasses ( be ) on the table
  7. As a consequence the album ( has ) became a big hit
  8. Sometimes cell phones ( ring ) and ( interrupts ) our conversations or thoughts
  9. There ( be ) a robbery in our neighborhood last night and the police ( be ) looking into the matter
  10. My grand parents ( lives ) in an old house in Salt Lake City Utha USA



